Caskets approved for use in certified natural burial cemeteries
Caskets that can be buried in a certified natural burial cemetery have strict compliance conditions. We will advise you which caskets can be used. If you have made your own casket we would need to get approval for its use - some guidelines are below.
- Caskets will be made from sustainably grown and harvested woods, with no chemicals or artificial compounds used in treatment of the wood or manufacture of the casket or its accessories.
- Casket handles will be made of natural materials (no plastics) and casket linings are to be of a bio-degradable material such as cotton or unbleached calico.
- The following materials would not be used in caskets: lead, plastics, vinyl, metal fittings (except the use of minimal metal screws and nails), toxic glues, varnish, oil-based paints or artificial stains.
The caskets in our casket book have been approved for use in the certified natural burial cemeteries in Wellington and Ōtaki. Only approved caskets can be used in a natural burial cemetery.